Thanks for visiting the "Jackson in the Valley" website.

The reenactment is held in the picturesque Beaver Creek State Park and is made possible by The Friends of Beaver Creek State Park.

This bi-annual event will be held on May 6th-8th 2011

Admission is
to the public!

Travel back in time to our nation's greatest trial; The War Between the States!

Walk through the authentic camps and speak to the soldiers as they go about daily camp life. Hold the weapons, try on uniforms, listen to the stories of the soldiers, and  woman they portray our ancestors!

See the legendary Stonewall Brigade, with their famous commander Lt. General Thomas Jackson, meet the enemy on the field of battle!

Watch as Union and Confederate troops march across the field, their flags waving in the breeze. Observe the action up close as the two armies clash, hear the artillery cannon as they fire into the lines of men.

Use the links at the left and explore different aspects of the Jackson in the Valley reenactment. There is something for everyone and if you have any questions feel free to contact us at: